WeDeliver Wheels



Target Impact

Our Approach


Who We Are

WeDeliver Wheels provides bicycles and cycling gear to non-profit organizations supporting underserved communities in the California Central Valley and foothills.

What We Do


With the help of volunteers, we assemble new bicycles at an annual event in autumn. In 2024, we will provide 100+ bicycles and helmets to local nonprofits to present to their youth clients.


Experienced mechanics repair “gently” used donated bicycles throughout the year. We then give the refurbished bicycles to local nonprofits supporting underserved communities.


We conduct bike repair clinics at local facilities throughout the year. Volunteers fix flat tires, defective brakes and loose chains at no cost.

Planned Impact for 2024

new bicycles distributed

refurbished bicycles distributed

dollars raised

volunteers participated in building, refurbishing and repairing bicycles

With Your Help,

We are Enabling Youth Independence

WeDeliver Wheels advocates the bicycle as a vehicle for change to empower at-risk individuals.

Our Approach

We support at-risk children, youth and young adults to use bicycles as a fun, safe and accessible form of transportation and exercise. We…

  • Purchase and assemble new bicycles with the help of volunteers
  • Receive and refurbish used bicycles 
  • Partner with nonprofit organizations for distributing bicycles and cycling gear to their clients in the California Central Valley and foothills
  • Conduct repair clinics in underserved communities to ensure residents have safe, functioning bicycles

WeDeliver Wheels (Tax ID # 88-2355002) is a nonprofit, public benefit corporation recognized as tax-exempt under IRS Code Section 501(c)(3). Donations to WeDeliver Wheels are deductible for income tax purposes to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law. Privacy policy.